A Guide to Virtual Feeding Therapy

Maggie Bialecki
Occupational Therapist
at Ladder Health

Do you ever dread mealtime in your house? You are not alone!

Let’s take a quick look at what feeding is, what feeding therapy is, who it is for, and how Ladder Health can help!

What is Feeding?

Feeding, most simplistically, is getting nourishment through a food source. Children with feeding difficulties are likely to refuse food and tantrum at meals, creating a stressful eating environment for everyone in the family. These are the children who will benefit from feeding therapy.

Common Feeding Myths:

Myth: Eating is the body’s first priority

Truth: that award goes to breathing! In second place is postural stability. So actually, eating is #3 on the list for the body.

Myth: Eating is instinctive

Truth: Only for the first month of life is eating instinctive, after this it becomes reflexive. Eating is learned.

Myth: Eating is easy

Truth: In fact, eating is the most difficult sensory task that children do! Eating is a 25-32 step process that begins with sensory integration

Myth: Spitting out foods, touching foods, and talking about foods are bad

Truth: Play with the purpose of learning to eat/exploring textures and smells are all ways to become a proficient eater.

Feeding Therapy, What is That?

Feeding therapy helps children learn how to eat more successfully and enjoyably. Most often, therapy time is spent teaching children how to eat new foods (if they have a limited diet) or how to eat (if they don’t know how to chew or manage food in their mouth).

How to Get Feeding Therapy

First things first, it’s always a good idea to talk to your pediatrician. They should know the best options in your area. BUT if you don’t get an answer that sits well with you or doesn’t feel helpful, don’t hesitate to get a second or even third opinion. Here at Ladder Health, we can help you on your journey to successful and fun mealtimes!

Virtual Feeding Therapy? Does That Really Work?

It really does- technology is fun for kids! Feeding therapy over the computer means highfives, songs, interactive checklists, and silly faces! Where an in-clinic visit can be stressful for a child, there is far less anxiety and far more engagement when in their own home. What better way to learn than in your natural environment where carryover of skills is a breeze! Being at home for therapy means less time out of school/daycare for children and less time away from work for caregivers. Siblings can also participate while the grownups can take the lead in exploring new foods with coaching from occupational or speech therapists.

At Ladder Health, we work with kids aged 0-6, and can address food exploration, expansion of food repertoire, and movement patterns of mouth skills in the home. Children with certain medical needs may not be a good fit for virtual feeding therapy for safety reasons.  To see if your child may benefit from virtual feeding therapy, take the Ladder Health Intake Screener here .

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