Parents and caregivers are often told to “Just wait and see!” when it comes to gross motor concerns regarding their child. Another common expression is, “I was told they will grow out of it!” While some children may outgrow their developmental delays without intervention, many children require physical therapy to help improve their gross motor skills to age level. Seeking care as early as possible gives children the best chance to succeed and reach their maximum potential.
What is Pediatric Physical Therapy?
Pediatric physical therapists work with children ages birth-21 with a multitude of diagnoses. A pediatric PT can help work on your child’s motor milestones and improve overall function and mobility. Developmental milestones are points in time when many children learn to perform a specific task within a certain age range. For example, a physical therapist may help your child learn to roll, sit, crawl, stand, and walk! These foundational skills can then be progressed to gross motor activities such as running, jumping, climbing, or even throwing and catching a ball. A pediatric physical therapist will provide a detailed assessment and tailored treatment of your child’s range of motion, strength, gross motor skills, balance, coordination, motor planning, and movement patterns. Most importantly, PT in a pediatric setting is fun and engaging, often incorporating age-appropriate toys, games, and activities to engage the child during their PT session.
Why is Early Intervention so Important?
Early intervention is a term used to describe services provided to help support babies, toddlers, and young children with delayed motor skills and/ or disabilities. Growing research continues to support the idea that the first years of a child’s life are critical in the development of the brain. Therapeutic intervention is more likely to be effective, as well as less costly, earlier in life versus later. During the first years of life, children are exploring their world through play. The brain is rapidly developing during this critical period of time, as children learn foundational skills in the areas of fine motor, gross motor, adaptive, social communication/ social emotional, and cognitive domains. A child’s brain is specifically most adaptable during the first three years of life.
PT Tip! Take a look at a developmental milestones chart. Have you ever noticed that for the first few years of life, motor skills are described by month, not year? This is because your child is learning motor and developmental skills at an incredible rate from ages 0-3. Once a child turns four years old, skills are grouped in yearly categories as the expected gross rate of attainment slows down.
How Can I Get Started?
Pediatric physical therapy in the early intervention setting focuses on using caregiver mediated intervention (teaching parents intervention strategies to use with their child at home), and parent coaching to help children meet their goals and anticipated outcomes in a natural environment. Here at Ladder Health, we provide the flexibility to begin your child’s initial evaluation and treatment virtually at home via our virtual platform with wrap-around technological support, including an extensive library of home exercises as well as the ability to directly message with your service provider. Through the guidance of a licensed physical therapist, we will provide your family with the appropriate exercises, treatment strategies, and knowledge to help your child reach their greatest potential.
So, why “wait and see?”
To determine if physical therapy could help your family today, take the Ladder Health Intake Screener HERE